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Deep in the cyber-verse of 20XX, a deadly bug called V-85 plague to bring havoc upon the Web. Luckily thanks to a secret project from the government, the Digit Units are here to defeat this dangerous threat! Arm yourself, choose your Unit and navigate the four branches of the cyber-verse and fight the V-85 and its army. Platform in the cyber-verse, avoid the hazards, upgrade your Unit, their weapons and their gear to take down the virus and save the Web before it's too late!

Property of Atari+ (2022-)

Recommended for Everyone

- Inspiration and Info of how the game is made -

The sketches for the game is in the Devlog at the bottom of this page.

The Faux Game Logo is based on a retro classic with a little twist to give it a modern age: 

Heist - A very simple game with simple mechanics as the theme is literally about a heist. As I played the game, I can see that the core mechanics is getting upgrade points by two methods: Clicking the objective or get your hired units to get said points and spend them for more units or upgrades for higher performance and bigger rewards!


Titans Rescue (CN Games) - An action, run n gun type game which is innovative and fun with the design of a TV show. You navigate your character through levels full of enemies which you'll have to blast your way out and save your friends. It seems you can upgrade your characters as you play through the game and the levels gets more difficult when you reach further.

Teen Titans Go! Games| Play Free Online Games | Cartoon Network

Galaga (If the link doesn't work you can just view the footage on Youtube) - The perfect Arcade Game to spend time for a nostalgic run. There's no modern coding here just one objective, take down the alien threat. Like all Arcade, you have limited lives and the enemies will come down to try to destroy you or even take your ship! The nice pixel art brings out the designs as the most innovated Arcade Game alongside Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Donkey Kong. TURN TO CHANNEL 3: 'Galaga' will always beam gamers into arcade memories |  NEPA Scene

(The three games that inspired me to make this)

Development log

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